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Optical Society of Korea

December 2024
Vol.35 No.6

pISSN 1225-6285
eISSN 2287-321X

Journal Impact Factor (2023)


Title: Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
Abbreviation: Korean J. Opt. Photon.

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주요주제 :

  • (1)광과학 (Optical Science)
  • (2)광기술 (Optical Technology)
  • (3)포토닉스 (Photonics)
  • (4)바이오포토닉스 (Biophotonics)
  • (5)양자전자 (Quantum Electronics)
  • (6)양자광학 및 양자정보
    (Quantum Optics and Quantum Information)
  • (7)디지털 홀로그래피 및 정보광학
    (Digital Holography and Information Optics)
  • (8)디스플레이 (Displays)
  • (9)리소그래피 및 광학재료
    (Lithography and Optical Materials)
  • (10)광학교육 (Optical Education)
  • (11)광센서 (Optical Sensor)

주요 키워드

학회 연락망