검색 팝업 닫기

Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords


연구논문(Research Paper)

2017; 28(1): 9-15

Published online February 25, 2017 https://doi.org/10.3807/KJOP.2017.28.1.009

Copyright © Optical Society of Korea.

Measurement and Analysis of the Dynamics of Peptide-Antibody Interactions Using an Ellipsometric Biosensor Based on a Silicon Substrate

Lee, Geun-Jae; Cho, Hyun Mo; Jo, Jae Heung

실리콘 기판을 사용한 바이오센서와 회전 타원분광계를 이용한 펩타이드-항체 접합의 동특성 측정과 분석

이근재; 조현모; 조재흥

Department of Photonics and Sensor, Hannam University; Center for Nanometrology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science; Department of Photonics and Sensor, Hannam University;

한남대학교 공과대학교 광.센서공학과; 한국표준과학연구원 산업측정표준본부 나노측정센터; 한남대학교 공과대학교 광.센서공학과

Received: September 13, 2016; Accepted: December 2, 2016

Keywords: Fourier optics, Fraunhofer diffraction, Defect inspection

Keywords: 푸리에 광학; 프라운호퍼 회절; 결함검출


Optical Society of Korea

December 2024
Vol.35 No.6

pISSN 1225-6285
eISSN 2287-321X

Title: Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
Abbreviation: Korean J. Opt. Photon.

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